As you seen this video above, that's what I put up with the internet video. I think it is very unfair to exclude Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the entertainment industry and we even cannot to enjoy listening music because we are struggle to hear what is the signer singing about but, we feel the beat. Put a your ear plug on and put your hand on the sound woofer, you will feel the beat and you gonna love it!
Most short online video in the UK such as BBC News, Sky News and etc. Don't have any subtitles and we miss out a lots. I think it is bad because we need to be informs in case of the emergency. A good example in the USA because they include subtitles and Sign Language on the TV - See a copy of the video in the below.
And be aware, this auto caption aren't perfect and you can check it out. I have no idea if it is correct or not?
So, A perfect example of the auto-caption FAIL in the video below.
So, when you watch this video and please put on auto-caption ON. After I watched it and I was like..... (Jaw dropped) It is disgusting because I felt that I am being fob off, if you know what I mean?
In fact, I am a huge fan of the movie's and always exciting about the new release. I WISH I can just go to the Cinemas in the UK and watch a blockbuster movie at any times and any days I want. But, that's not possible because there is the lack of access to watch the movies with the closed captioning available. It is depressing and we often being patient for the DVD release. Once, release and I am foolish sometime that I was over-excited and brought it, went home and watch it... No subtitles available!!!! I should check at the back of the DVD package before I purchase. What a waste of money! If I want to do the legal way to get subtitles for the DVD and it will cost ten or more times than I purchase DVD.
About the Catch Up TV in the UK.
It is so-so because BBC iplayer provide over 90% subtitles which it is good but the quality that I seen is .... Not good. Sometime it showing a very long subtitles and we only can see the middle of the subtitles with beginning and end missing. It is even no background and I feel bad for the Usher because they need the subtitle with the black background.
All another catch up TV is not brilliant because it is include heavy advertisement that put me off watching. I prefer to be in control and minimum advertisement. You tube advertisement is wonderful because I am in control of the advertisement. If I am not interested at the beginning of the advertisement and I can click "skip" after 5 seconds.
As the video in the above, auto-caption showing white fonts and no background. Let say, there is lots of white cloud on the bottom of the video screen and the subtitle font is white... How can I read the subtitles!?!
Most of Deaf / Hard of Hearing I know, rather to play video games, watching TV with the subtitles and dreaming for 100% access to the Cinemas and internet video.
All the Best!
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